Tiger Shroff, son of the actor Jackie Shroff, made his Bollywood with the 2014 movie Heropanti. With his work and fitness, the actor has managed to become a fan favourite. He was last seen on-screen in the 2020 film Baaghi 3 with Disha Patani and Shradha Kapoor. His real name is Jai Hemant Shroff, but his father started calling him ‘Tiger’ because as a child, he would try to bite everyone. Not many know this but Tiger Shroff isn’t limited to just being an actor. He is an entrepreneur, a painter, a dancer, and much more, so on his birthday, let’s take a look at the other talents of the War actor.
Tiger has always been passionate about staying fit. He loves to hit the gym and work out whenever he can. In War, the young actor inspired Hrithik Roshan to hit the gym and get fitter.
Martial Arts
Tiger began training in martial arts at the age of four and has a fifth-degree black belt in Taekwondo. He knows a staggering number of fighting styles including kalaripayattu, kung fu, Krav Maga, and pencak silat. He’s also trained in gymnastics and can do a full split.
This is one actor who can really dance. In every movie that Tiger has been in, he has put his best foot forward.
It turns out that Tiger has a hidden talent, and it’s singing. He had shared a video of him singing “Sab Tera” from his movie Baaghi. He also came out with his own songs “Unbelievable” and “Casanova.” He had said, “Always wanted to sing and dance to my own song, but never really had the courage to take it forward. Spent a lot of time exploring and working this lockdown and discovered
Tiger and his sister Krishna Shroff own MMA Matrix Fitness Centre. In an interview, he had said, “It wasn’t a business decision. The gym which we’ve named MMA Matrix — MMA being Mixed Martial Arts — came about because of the constant questions I was asked about health and fitness.”
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